Love Living Life

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How do I go about Loving Life or what are some steps?

So, it is easy to remember we are going to use the 3 L’s in Love Living Life as our guide:


What do you love?  When I work with my clients and I pose the question “What is it that you Love”?  Usually, it either goes 1 of 2 ways…I do not know what I love or what I have loved money, toys, buying stuff and material things no longer does the trick.  So, go on a free adventure to re-discovery what you love.  Yes, rediscovery because what you love is there.   You just have to reconnect with it and weave this back into your life.

• Living

What type of Balance do you have in your life between what you love and how you are living?  Out of balance looks like a life that is on autopilot, stuck in the grind and spiraling with limited hope, joy and fulfillment.  Give yourself a Balance % challenge  So let’s say you are starting at 10% balance between what you love and how you are living so,  in a month try to get to 15% by identifying one or two things you love or that bring you joy and weave them into your life…keep it simple- nature, water, animals, sports, art, writing, reading things that restore and or bring you energy.


Create a personal Life Mission Statement & assess how it is playing out in your life? My personal and professional Mission Statement is Love Living Life.  As you become more aware of how your mission statement is or is not playing out in your life… adjust.  Some areas to consider adjustments are Personal Growth, Career/Studies/Professional Growth, Family, Spiritual, Financial, Mindset, Health, Social/Fun and Romance/Love.  To start, I would recommend only picking 1 -2 areas of concentration.